Thursday, October 2, 2008


This is the official press release for the second flyby of the Mercury probe MESSENGER. I will be attending Johns Hopkins University observing first hand the infromation that MESSENGER will be sending back to Earth. I am so excited to have this opportunity!

On Monday, October 6, 2008, NASA\'s MESSENGER mission to Mercury will
complete an important milestone, as the spacecraft makes its second flyby of
its target planet. During the flyby, MESSENGER will swoop just 200 km (125
miles) above the cratered surface of Mercury, snapping hundreds of pictures
and collecting a variety of other data from the planet as it gains a
critical gravity assist that keeps the probe on track to become the first
spacecraft ever to orbit the innermost planet in the Solar System in 2011.

Six MESSENGER Educator Fellows, master science educators talented at
speaking to audiences of all ages and backgrounds, will observe the flyby
activities at the Mission Operations Center at the Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory and report on their experiences in real time
using social networking sites on the Internet. Through the Fellows\' eyes,
teachers, students, and the general public around the world will be able to
share the engineers¹ excitement as the spacecraft performs a maneuver
crucial to the success of the mission, and experience the scientists\'
exhilaration as new science data never before seen by any human being
arrives during the days following the flyby.

Join the MESSENGER Educator Fellows as they report on MESSENGER\'s second
flyby of Mercury by navigating to the Fellows at the Flyby page at:
Follow the links therein to the individual Fellows\' Facebook, Twitter, Wiki
and blog pages.

MESSENGER to Mercury mission is supported by the NASA Discovery Program
under contract to the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. For more information on the
MESSENGER mission, visit

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